TrackMe App on SOAR: Automate and interact with TrackMe from Splunk SOAR

About TrackMe App on SOAR

  • TrackMe App on SOAR is an application for Splunk SOAR that allows you to automate tasks and interact with TrackMe, transparently from your SOAR environments.

  • You can download TrackMe App on SOAR from our release WebSite: or our GitHub repository:

  • With the TrackMe App on SOAR, you can automate various actions in TrackMe, such as retrieving TrackMe entities realtime statuses, updating their key behaviour parameters, or interacting with TrackMe features such as the Machine Learning capabilities.

  • Working in collaboration with TrackMe, SOAR users can leverage the TrackMe App on SOAR to extend and enrich the workflow, and fulfill any kind of sophisticated requirements.

Overview of the TrackMe App on SOAR

The TrackMe App on SOAR documentation can be consulted directly in SOAR once the application has been installed:


Overview of a TrackMe Asset in SOAR:


You can also consult the README from our GitHub repository:

SOAR TrackMe actions overview

See the TrackMe App on SOAR builtin documentation for a complete and update to date list of actions (or in the README from our GitHub repository):


Each action makes use of the TrackMe API endpoints to interact with TrackMe, and provide various options, you can for instance update the key parameters of TrackMe Entities:

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SOAR TrackMe usage example

In the following example, we leverage the TrackMe App on SOAR to update a TrackMe entity Acknowledgement status:
