Splunk core compatibility
Splunk core
TrackMe is compatible with Splunk 8.1.x and later
TrackMe is developed, tested and qualified against latest generation of Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud Victoria in priority
For Splunk users prior to Splunk 9.x, don’t forget to review Notes for older generation of Splunk (prior to Splunk 9.x)
Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud compatibility
Splunk Enterprise
TrackMe is compatible with Splunk Enterprise from Splunk 8.1.x
Operating system compatibility for Splunk Enterprise customers
We strongly recommend Linux as the Operating System for Splunk Enterprise customers, however TrackMe is supported on Splunk Enterprise supported Operating Systems:
Linux (strongly recommend, and in fact used by the vast majority of customers)
Windows (not recommended, we do not expect any good performances in Splunk in general)
Mac OS (for development and testing purposes only)
We only test and qualify TrackMe releases and behaviours under Splunk Enterprise on Linux, and on Splunk Cloud Victoria experience.
If you are using TrackMe hosted in Windows or Mac OS, we will provide best effort support only.
Splunk Cloud
TrackMe is compatible with Splunk Cloud Victoria and Splunk Cloud Classic
On Splunk Cloud Classic, TrackMe Version 2.0.60 and later is required to address some issues due to Splunk SLIM partitioning
Appinspect and vetting
We carefully comply with Splunk development best practices to ensure that we provide the highest level of application quality.
Therefore, TrackMe releases are reviewed and validated with Splunk Appinspect:
When a new release of TrackMe is published, our automation also processes the release through Appinspect automation and the Appinspect HTML report is available in the release directory of our download Website:
TrackMe is compatible with Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud products.
Python compatibility
Python 3 compatibility
TrackMe supports Python 3 only
Web Browser compatibility
TrackMe is supported on Splunk supported Web Browsers:
Supported Web Browsers:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari
Microsoft Edge is not officially supported by Splunk and some unexpected behaviours may be possible, although we had feedbacks from customers using TrackMe with Edge with no major issues.